My book ‘Practicing the Plastic Brain: popular neuroscience and the good life’ now available online
The Book is online! My dissertation, titled Practicing the Plastic Brain: popular neuroscience and the good life, is finally available online. For free! Soon after I received my PhD at Maastricht University in 2018, I signed a book contract with…
Mahler am Tisch: the video
There is a now a video available of our first experiment in classical music, which took in November Mahler am Tisch. In many of his symphonies and vocal music, the composer used folk music, sometimes literally, sometimes edited. In Austria,…
New job: postdoc in Artful Participation
Finally, I can announce a new job! As of today, I’m starting as a post-doc researcher in the three-year project Artful Participation. In this beautiful and super relevant project, we’ll be exploring new ways of artistically meaningful audience participation in…
New publication: Can we “remedy” neurohype? And should we?
For the American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience, I wrote (together with colleague Jenny Slatman and my promotor Tsjalling Swierstra) an open peer commentary. We respond to the article of Grubbs (2016): The Arts and Sciences of Reading: Humanities in The…
The Future is Now: new jobs
As my PhD project is slooowly coming to an end, it’s time for some change. Recently, I joined the research centre Autonomy and the Public Sphere in the Arts, at the Arts Faculty Maastricht, part of Zuyd University of Applied…
Off to Linköping!
From January 23rd untill April 2nd, I’ll be working at the TEMA department at Linköping University (Sweden). I’ll be participating in the so-called ValueS-group, an interesting bunch studying how different valuation practices in different contexts of science and technology contributes…
Neuroscience meets Philosophy
Last week, I attended a workshop on Philosophy and Neuroscience at the Technical University of Eindhoven. Interesting lectures, friendly people and even including a delicious dinner – the good life of the academic! Most of all, it gave me a…
Sapere Aude = civil disobedience
On January 11th, digital activist (amongst others) Aaron Swartz committed suicide after fierce prosecution by the US government for copyright infringes. Swartz found a loop-hole within JSTOR and MIT, and downloaded millions of academic journal papers. Subscriptions to academic journals…