If you cannot access these articles please contact me by email and I will send you a copy.
Van de Werff, T. Eve, I. & Spronck, V. (forthcoming) Experiments in Participation: performing audiences in the symphony orchestra practice. In Dromey, Chris (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Applied Musicology. London: Routledge.
Van de Werff, T. (2023) A Monk in the Office: mindfulness and the valuation of popular neuroscience. In: Besser et al. (eds) Worlding the Brain. Brill.
Peters, P.F., Werff, T. van de, Eve, I. & Roeden, J. (2023). Doing Collaborative Research on Symphonic Orchestra Audiences: Interventionist Ethnography of Music Practices. In: Bijsterveld, K. & Swinnen, A. (Eds.). Interdisciplinarity in the Scholarly Life Cycle: Learning by Example in Humanities and Social Science Research. Springer Nature.
Peters, P.F., Werff, T. van de. & Eve, I. (2022). The People’s Salon: A pragmatist approach to audience participation in symphonic music. In: Benschop, R., Saaze, V. van., Sitzia & Rausch, C. (Eds.) Participatory Practices in Arts and Heritage: Learning Through and from Collaboration. Springer.
Peters, P., Van de Werff, T., Benschop, R., Eve, I. (2022) Artful innovation: How to experiment in symphonic music practice. In Chaker, Sarah & Petri-Preis, Axel (eds), Tuning Up – Innovative Potentials of Musikvermittlung. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
Van de Werff, T., Smith, N.T., Rosu, S., Peters, P. (2021) Missing the Audience: Online musicking in times of Covid-19. Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy / Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik, 7(1): 137-150. doi:10.14361/zkmm-2021-0107
Veerle Spronck, Peter Peters & Ties van de Werff (2021) Empty Minds: Innovating Audience Participation in Symphonic Practice, Science as Culture, DOI: 10.1080/09505431.2021.1893681
Van de Werff, T. (2020). Assuming Audience Participation. In I. Eve Cooney, The Same but Differently. Maastricht: Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy & the Public Sphere.
Van de Werff, T. & Pasmans, I. (2019) Music in the Making: an open and collaborative experiment at Conservatorium Maastricht. In Sætre, Jon Helge & Gies, Stefan (eds), Centre for Excellence in Music Performance Education publication series, Oslo: Norwegian Academy of Music.
Van de Werff, T. (2018). Practicing the plastic brain: popular neuroscience and the good life [dissertation]. Maastricht: Maastricht University.
Van de Werff, T. (2017). Ethics by neurological means: how the teenage brain is used to talk about good parenting. In E. Hildt & J. Leefmann (eds.), The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain. Elsevier.
Van de Werff, T., Slatman, J., Swierstra, T. (2016). Can we “remedy” neurohype? And should we? Using Neurohype for Ethical Deliberation. In: AJOB Neuroscience, 7 (2): 97-99. doi: 10.1080/21507740.2016.1189978
Van de Werff, T. (2014). Neuro: the new brain sciences and the management of the mind. New Genetics and Society, 33(2), 225-227. doi: 10.1080/14636778.2014.892822.
Van de Werff, T. (2014). Voorbij reductionisme en determinisme als kritiek op de neurowetenschappen? In: Krisis (2) 2014, 67-71.
ACADEMIC PUBLICATION (non-peer reviewed)
Van de Werff, T. (2021) Sigarettenaansteker / Cigraette Lighter. In: K. Bijsterveld (ed.), Uitgepakt/Unboxed: nstrumenten voor wetenschap en techniek in Centre Céramique/Instruments for science and technology in Centre Céramique, pp. 60-64. Hilversum: Verloren.
Van de Werff, T. (2019). Zonder wrijving geen glans. In K. Bijsterveld (Ed.). On Expedition to the Past: Tips for Hidden-Gem Cultural Heritage Destinations. Maastricht: Maastricht University Press/Datawyse.
Van de Werff, T. (2017). Je Brein als een Waterklok: metaforen in de wetenschap. In H. Van Lente, T. Swierstra, S. Wyatt & R. Zeis (Eds.), Wegwijs in STS. Maastricht: Maastricht University.
Pott, H. & Van de Werff, T. (2014). Peter Sloterdijk. In: Doorman & Pott (eds). Filosofen van deze Tijd. Amsterdam: Prometheus.
Van de Werff, T. (2010). The Struggle of the Tongzhi: homosexuality in China and the position of Chinese ‘comrades’. In: Dubel & Hielkema (eds). Urgency Required: gay and lesbian rights are human rights. The Hague: HIVOS.
Werff, T. van de. (September 2021). Artful Participation: experiments in audience participation [all texts]. MCICM – Artful Participation. https://artfulparticipation.nl/
Van de Werff, T. (2018). Zelfhulp als inspiratie voor ethici. Wijsgerig Perspectief, 58(2): 46-47.
Van de Werff, T. & Vermeltfoort, C. (2018). Sight Seeing. KONT Magazine, 2: 118-131.
Van de Werff, T. (2016). Met kunst de robots ontwapenen. In: MEST Magazine (13).
Van de Werff, T. (2013). Breaking Bad als Moderne Tragedie. Motherboard: http://motherboard.vice.com/nl/read/breaking-bad-als-moderne-tragedie.
Van de Werff, T. (2013). Don’t believe the hype: breinporno. Motherboard / Vice.nl: http://motherboard.vice.com/nl/read/dont-believe-the-hype-breinporno.
Van de Werff, T. (2013). Ik hoor Kleur: Interview met Neil Harbisson. Anders Bekeken , juli 2013.
Van de Werff, T. (2013). Kijken is denken en doen. Anders Bekeken , maart 2013.
Van de Werff, T. (2012). Clouding the Brain. In: Van Mensvoort (et al.). NextNature: Nature changes along with us. Amsterdam: NextNature Network.
Van de Werff, T. (2010). Interview with Marc Maurer, Geert Mul & Lucas van der Velden. In: BALTAN Laboratories. A Blueprint for a lab of the Future. Eindhoven: BALTAN Laboratories.
Van de Werff, T. (2010). eSphere: kunst en cultuur in een netwerksamenleving. In: De Kantlijn, 4 (2010): 15.
Van de Werff, T. (2010). We cannot stop progress. LEAD Magazine, 1(2009): 38-42.
Van de Werff, T. (2010). That shock of being new. LEAD Magazine, 1 (2009): 94-99.
Van de Werff, T. (2010, September 9). Ars Electronica 2010: Artists Adressing NextNature [blog post]. Retrieved from:
Van de Werff, T. (2010, August 28). ISEA 2010: Artists addressing NextNature [blog post]. Retrieved from:
Van de Werff, T. (2010, July 26). Technostalgia [blog post]. Retrieved from:
Van de Werff, T. (2009). RE: Le poème électronique. In: STRP Festival Magazine: 46-47.
Van de Werff, T. (2009). Strings from Scandinavia: Ane Brun + Teitur + Ólafur Arnalds in Frits Philips Muziekcentrum, Eindhoven. In: LiveXS (January).