Upcoming talk at ELIA Bienniale 2020: ‘Teaching Artistic Engagement: Zoom as performative space’, November 20th
This week the ELIA Biennial ‘Expanding the Arts’ starts. ELIA is a European platform for higher arts education institutions. During the bienniale, arts and academia, producers and practitioners, students and teachers present interesting work in higher arts education.
This year, together with my wonderful colleague Nina Willems, I will present on our research studio in iARts of the last year: Designing Life/Designing Dialogue. We will introduce the concept of the research studio (as educational method), and present our experiences of teaching artistic engagement through theatre skills online. See below for a short abstract.
To attend the bienniale, you need to register (and pay a fee). Our talk is scheduled on Friday November 20th, 10.00h (CET).
Teaching Artistic Engagement: Zoom as performative space
Nina Willems & Ties van de Werff
How to teach art students to meaningfully engage with complex and emerging scientific developments? Using methods of artistic research, ethnography and theatre, we developed a research studio in which both teachers and students explored the creation of an online artistic space for imagining the implications of designing a microbe: Pseudomonas Putida.