Upcoming talk at conference on Human-Technology Relations at University of Twente

Upcoming talk at conference on Human-Technology Relations at University of Twente

…and yet another fine conference coming up in the summer! I’m invited to give a talk at the international conference on Human-Technology Relations: Postphenomenology and Philosophy of Technology, at the Designlab at University of Twente, which takes place July 11th – July 13th. It’s a big one, with keynotes such as Don Ihde and Andrew Feenberg, and it includes over 54 individual panels and workshops!


I will be in Panel 38: Bioethics & Technology I, on Friday July 13th in room 2 Classroom of the Future, from 10.45h – to 12.15h.  I haven’t written an abstract yet, but I intend to talk about the different agencies that the plastic brain implies, and what normative affordances they have in practices of self-fashioning. The panel consists of friend and paranymph Sarah Weingartz, Maurizio Balistreri, Saskia Nagel, and our EPET-colleague Olya Kudina. So next to intellectually challenging, also quite gezellig probably.