The Eternal Pursuit of Happiness has started – at University of Amsterdam
My yearly course at the University of Amsterdam – titled The Eternal Pursuit of Happiness: philosophy, science, and technology of wellbeing – has started! Until February, some 100 students will follow a weekly lecture, explore happiness from all kinds of perspectives. From philosophy to Science and Technology Studies and art, we will look at histories of happiness, and contemporary ideals and practices of happiness. A variety of guest lecturers will address topics from social media to Ubuntu, and from Aristotle to queer politics of happiness. Students will do weekly assignments, and write an essay. But they will also practice different tactics for happiness, by conducting an experiment: manipulating their behaviour and documenting their experiences.
This year, I tried to open up the course even more, by including an artist talk – theater maker Lucas de Man – and updating literature on critical happiness studies and identity politics. I am much looking forward to the course, and how it will develop!