Sapere Aude = civil disobedience
On January 11th, digital activist (amongst others) Aaron Swartz committed suicide after fierce prosecution by the US government for copyright infringes. Swartz found a loop-hole within JSTOR and MIT, and downloaded millions of academic journal papers. Subscriptions to academic journals…
WTMC Monster Party
For the annual meeting, we’re preparing for our Science-Fiction Monster Party from Outer Space! I composed this flyer from 50s movie posters. [update]: it was a blast! Scientists CAN dance (though apparently not all together)!
NY Times: Attacks on brain porn go mainstream
Featured in the NYTimes today: Neuroscience: Under Attack! My favourite neuro-bloggers are dubbed ‘neurodoubters’. Bit one-sided article, then again: some wishful-thinking from this side of the debate (for a change) is needed. Read it here.
Brain region found that does absolutely nothing
“Neuroscientists at the University of Ingberg have found a brain region that does absolutely nothing. Their research, presented at the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting, showed that a small region of the cortex located near the posterior section of the…